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Yung Ming Shiu

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Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance
National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Ph.D., School of Management, University of Edinburgh, UK
Tel: +886-2-2939-3091 ext. 81014

Yung-Ming Shiu is a Professor in the Department of Risk Management and Insurance at National Chengchi University, Taiwan. Professor Shiu’s research focuses on the areas of corporate social responsibility, reinsurance and corporate hedging. His research has appeared in several scholarly journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Financial Markets, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Futures Markets, Journal of Derivatives and British Actuarial Journal.


  • Ph.D. School of Management, University of Edinburgh, UK


  • Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance, National Chengchi University, Taiwan

Research Interests

  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Reinsurance
  • Corporate hedging

Teaching Interests

  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Risk Management in Financial Institutions