Samuel Chuen-Lung Chen

National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Ph.D., Industrial and Systems Engineering, Auburn University, USA
Tel: +886-2-29393091 ext. 81218

- Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering, Auburn University, USA
- Vice Dean, College of Commerce, National Chengchi University
- Deputy Dean, College of Commerce, National Chengchi University
- Director, International MBA Program, National Chengchi University
- Chairman, Department of Management Information Systems, National Chengchi University
- Professor, Department of Management Information Systems, National Chengchi University
- Associate Professor, Department of Management Information Systems, National Chengchi University
- Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Mississippi State University, Mississippi, USA
- Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Mississippi State University, Mississippi, USA
Research Interests
- Applied Operations Research
- Production and Operations Management
- Scheduling Theory and Applications
A. Journal Papers
Chen CL, Tzeng, YR, Chen CL, 2015, “A new heuristic based on local best solution for permutation flow shop scheduling. Applied Soft Computing Vol. 29, pp. 75-81. (SCI, Impact Factor = 2.697)
Hsieh, Ming-Hua, Liao, Wei-Cheng, and Chen, C-L, 2014, “A fast Monte Carlo algorithm for estimating value at risk and expected Shortfall,” Journal of Derivatives, Vol. 22, pp. 50-66. (SSCI, Impact Factor = 0.311)
Chen, Chun-Lung, Huang, S-Y, Tzeng, Y-R and Chen, C-L, 2014, “A revised discrete particle optimization algorithm for permutation flow-shop scheduling problem,” Soft Computing, 18(11), pp. 2271-2282. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.304)
Yu, T-Y, Huang, H-C, Chen, C-L and Lin, Q-T, 2012, “Generating effective defined- contribution pension plan using simulation optimization approach,” Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 39 (3), pp. 2684-2689. (SCI, Impact Factor = 2.203)
Kuo, Chan-Sheng, Hong, T-P and Chen C-L, 2012, “Developing a GP-based Framework for Knowledge Integration”, Journal of Convergence Information Technology, Vol.14, No.7, pp.79-88, (EI).
Tzeng, Y-Z, Chen, Chun-Lung and Chen, C-L, 2012, “A hybrid EDA with ACS for solving permutation flow shop scheduling,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 60, pp. 1139-1147. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.103).
Wu, Chung-Min, Chen, J-T and Chen, C-L, 2011, “The Consideration for Employing Web Services System,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 28(5), pp. 382-399. (EI/TSSCI)
Yu, T-Y, Tsai, C., Huang, J-C, and Chen, C-L, 2011, “Applying Simulation Optimization to Dynamic Financial Analysis for the Asset-Liability Management of a Property-Casualty Insurer,” Applied Financial Economics, Vol. 21 (7), pp. 505-518.
Huang, Hsiao-Tzu and Chen, C-L, 2009, “Emerging Organizational Structure for Knowledge-Oriented Teamwork Using Genetic Algorithm,” Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 36(10), pp12137-12142. (SCI, Impact Factor = 2.203)
Chen, Chun-Lung and Chen, C-L, 2009, “A bottleneck-based heuristic for minimizing makespan in a flexible flow line with unrelated parallel machines,” Vol. 36(11), pp. 3073-3081, Computers & Operations Research. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.720)
Chen, Chun-Lung and Chen C-L, 2009, “Bottleneck-based heuristics to minimize total tardiness for the flexible flow line with unrelated parallel machines,” Vol. 56 (4), pp. 1393-1401, Computers and Industrial Engineering. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.589).
Chen, Chun-Lung and Chen C-L, 2009, “Hybrid Metaheuristics for Unrelated Parallel-Machine Scheduling with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 43, pp. 161-169, (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.103)
Kuo, Chan-Sheng, Hong, T-P and Chen C-L, 2008, “An Improved Knowledge-Acquisition Strategy Based on Genetic Programming,” Cybernetics and Systems, Vol. 39(7), pp. 672-685. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.182)
Chen, Chun-Lung and Chen C-L, 2008, “Bottleneck-focused heuristics to minimize tardy jobs in a flexible flow line with unrelated parallel machines,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 46(22), pp. 6415-30 (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.115)
Kuo, Chan-Sheng, Hong, T-P and Chen C-L, 2007, “Applying Genetic Programming Technique in Classification Trees,” Soft Computing. Vol. 11(12), pp. 1165-1172. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.880)
Chen, C-L, Kaber, D.B., and Dempsey, P.G., 2004, “Using Feed-forward Neural Networks and Forward Selection of Input Variables for an Ergonomics Data Classification Problem,” Human Factors & Ergonomics in Manufacturing, Vol. 14(1), pp.31-49. (SCI, Impact Factor = 0.612)
Chen, C-L, Lin, Rong-Ho, and Zhang, Jianping, 2003, “Genetic Algorithms for MD-Optimal Follow-up Designs,” Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 30(2), pp. 233-252. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.720)
Chen, M-L, Wu, C-M, and Chen, C-L, 2002, “Integrated ART1 with Tabu Search for Cell Formation Problems, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 19(3), pp. 62-74. (EI)
Chen, C-L, Kaber, D.B., and Dempsey, P.G., 2000, “A new approach to applying feedforward neural networks to the prediction of musculoskeletal disorder risk,” Applied Ergonomics, Vol. 31, pp. 269-282. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.428)
Gupta, J.N.D., Chen, C-L., Yap, L-Y, and Deshmukh, H., 2000, “Designing A Tabu Search Algorithm to Mizimize Total Flow Time in a Flow Shop,” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 1C, pp. 79-94. (SCI, Impact Factor = 0.243)
Gupta, J.N.D., Palanimuthu, N., and Chen, C-L., 1999, “Desinging Tabu Search Algorithm for the Two-Stage Flow Shop Problem with Secondary Criterion”, Production Planning and Control, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 251-265. (SCI, Impact Factor = 0.725)
Chen, C-L, Usher, J.M., and Palanimuthu, N., 1998, “A Tabu Search Based heuristic for a Flexible Flow Line with Minimum Flow Time Criterion,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 157-168. (SCI)
Chen, C-L, Khan, M., and Wu, C-M., 1998, “Identifying Generators for 2k-p Experiments Using Taguchi Methods,” International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 403-422.
Aljaber, N., Baek, W., and Chen, C-L, 1997, “Tabu Search Approach to the Cell Formation Problem,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol.32, No. 1, pp. 169-185. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.589)
Neppalli, V.R., Chen, C-L, and Gupta, J.N.D., 1996, “Genetic algorithms for the two-stage bicriteria flowshop problem,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 95, pp. 356-373. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.815)
Chen, C-L, Neppalli, V.R., and Aljaber, N., 1996, “Genetic Algorithms Applied to the Continuous Flow Shop Problem,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 919-929. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.589)
Chen, C-L, Hart, S.M., and Tham, W.M., 1996, "A Simulated Annealing Heuristic for the One-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem," European Journal of Operational Research, Vol 93, pp. 522-535. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.815)
Chen, C-L., Vempati, V.S., and Aljaber, N., 1995, "An Application of Genetic Algorithms for Flow Shop Problems," European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 80, pp. 389-396. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.815)
Chen, C-L, Cotruvo, N.A., and Baek, W., 1995, "A Simulated Annealing Solution to the Cell Formation Problem," International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 33, No. 9, pp. 2601-2614. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.115)
Chen, C-L, and Bulfin, R.L., 1994, "Scheduling a Single Machine to Minimize Two Criteria: Maximum Tardiness and Number of Tardy Jobs," IIE Transactions, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 76-84. (SCI, Impact Factor = 0.856)
Hart, S.M. and Chen, C-L, 1994, "Simulated Annealing and the Mapping Problem: A Computational Study," Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 455-461. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.720)
Chen, C-L and Bulfin, R.L., 1993, "Complexity Results for Single Machine Scheduling Problems with Two Criteria," European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 70, No. 1, pp. 115-125. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.815)
Chen, C-L and Bullington, S. F., 1993, "Development of a Strategic Research Plan for an Academic Department Through the Use of Quality Function Deployment," Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 1-4, pp. 49-52. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.589).
Venkateswara, V.S., Chen, C-L, and Bullington, S.F., 1993, "An Effective Heuristic for Flow Shop Problems with Total Flow Time as Criterion," Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 1-4, pp. 219-222. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.589).
Chen, C-L. and Bulfin, R.L., 1990, "Scheduling Unit Processing Time Jobs on a Single Machine with Multiple Criteria," Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 1-7. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.720)