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There are several scholarships available to IMBA students.

Local Applicants

IMBA program offers merit-based scholarships to incoming local applicants through a tuition waiver and to current students for their academic excellence and devoted service to the program. The scholarship total amount is NT$1,000,000 for incoming students and NT$500,000 for current students (subject to change based on budgetary considerations).
More information can be found in the below guideline.

International Applicants

International applicants who need financial assistance can apply for external scholarships awarded by either the Taiwanese government or Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF) as well as the internal scholarship – New International Student Scholarship.

1. TaiwanICDF Scholarship – Provided by Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund, which grants full scholarships to applicants strengthening relations between Taiwan and allied, friendly nations.

​NCCU IMBA is the only MBA program at a National University in northern Taiwan that is partnered with TaiwanICDF.
The TaiwanICDF provides each scholarship recipient with a full scholarship, including return airfare, housing, tuition and credit fees, insurance, textbook costs, and a monthly allowance.
  1. Application period: December 1 to March 15
  2. Applicants should submit the required documents to the ROC (Taiwan) Embassy/ Consulate General/ Representative Office in their country. Applicants must contact the ROC (Taiwan) Representative Office for further guidelines.
  3. Scope of Scholarship (including Return airfare (economy class), Housing (dormitory at NCCU), Tuition and Credit fees, Insurance, Textbook costs, Monthly allowance of NT$18,000.)
  4. Introduction- International Higher Education Scholarship Program
  5. 2025 TaiwanICDF Scholarship Application Guidebook

2. MOE Taiwan Scholarship – The Ministry of Education’s Taiwan Scholarship is granted to outstanding international students (excluding students from Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau) who want to familiarize themselves with the academic environment in Taiwan, promote communication, and foster understanding and friendship between Taiwan and countries around the world.
  1. Eligibility: Countries that are not in the scope of the MOFA scholarships. Check guidelines for further information.
  2. In principle, the application period is from February 1 to March 31 each year. The actual application period for each local Taiwan Representative Office will be detailed in its publicly available information.
  3. Scholarship Benefits: Tuition waiver up to NT$40,000 each semester + Monthly stipend of NT$20,000 per month.
  4. Guidelines for Scholarships

3. MOFA Taiwan Scholarship – Provided by Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this scholarship is granted to students from countries that have diplomatic relations with Taiwan, and it continues to encourage outstanding students to pursue academic degrees in Taiwan and to deepen their understanding of Taiwan's academic environment, thereby enhancing exchanges and building friendships between Taiwan and their home nations.
  1. Eligibility: Countries that have diplomatic relations with Taiwan, or have been recognized as friendly relations with Taiwan by MOFA.
  2. The yearly application period is, in principle, from February 1 to March 31. However, the actual application period will be in accordance with the general application rules of individual diplomatic missions.
  3. Scholarship Benefits: Monthly stipend of NT$30,000 per month + round-trip economy-class plane tickets.
  4. MOFA Taiwan Scholarship Information

4. IMBA Distinguished International Student Scholarship – 
Up to NT$ 200,000 Tuition Waiver, which must be used within one academic year.
  1. Notes: Only for newly admitted international students who are not awarded with other scholarship
  2. No application necessary.