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Frequently Asked Questions

About the program (General)

Q: How long does it take to finish the program?

A: The recommended time to finish the program is four (4) semesters or two (2) years. In the case of students with full-time jobs, they are allowed to extend their residency for up to four (4) years in case they need to balance their workload. Students can defer their studies for up to two (2) years.

Q: What is the typical student’s profile at IMBA?

A: IMBA students come from different industry backgrounds, age profiles, and nationalities. For more information about the student profile please visit our Class Profile page.

Q: What is the class time? What is your attendance policy?

A: Usually, weekend classes are held from 7 pm to 10 pm. Intensive classes are held on the weekends, between 9 am and 5 pm Attendance is mandatory and students shall receive a failing mark should they be absent for more than once for a one (1) credit course, more than two times for a two (2) credit course, and more than thrice for a three (3) credit course.

Q: Do I have to quit my full-time job to study IMBA?

A: As mentioned above, students can study part-time. However, students who have full-time jobs may take a longer time to finish the program.

Q: What academic opportunities do you offer to your students?

A: Aside from a diverse set of courses available in the program, students will also have an opportunity to do an exchange program abroad. To know more about this, visit our International Exchange Program section. Another opportunity is the Dual Degree Program with our partner universities abroad. This program offers students international competitiveness by earning two degrees simultaneously, as well as saving time and relative cost. To know more about this program, visit our Dual Degree Program section.


About the program (Instruction, Courses, Thesis)

Q: What is the language of instruction of the program?

A: All of the IMBA courses are taught and facilitated in English.

Q: How many credits do I need to take to finish the program? Are there any other requirements aside from the completion of the courses?

A: In order to graduate, students must complete:

  1. A minimum total of 42 credits, including 25 credits of required courses and at least 17 credits of elective courses;

  2. 45 community service hours; and

  3. Master Thesis, as stipulated by the Ministry of Education.

Q: My background is already in Accounting and Finance, do I really still have to take the required courses?

A: Accounting, Managerial Economics, Marketing Management, Management Information Systems, and Financial Management can be waived, if successful in passing the exemption exams. However, the student will be required to take the elective course(s) to cover the required number of credits to graduate (42 credits).

Q: Does the program have majors or concentrations?

A: The program offers numerous elective courses. These courses allow students to focus on the expertise that interests them. Students can obtain a concentration certificate if they accumulate at least nine (9) credits in any of the following concentrations: Management in Asia, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, and Finance. For more information about this, visit our concentrations page.

Q: Can I opt not to take any concentration?

A: Yes, you can opt not to take any concentration by fulfilling the required 42 credits. 

About the application process (General)

Q: What is the timeline for applying?

A: The timeline for the local and international students vary. Kindly refer to the Application Process section for more information.

Q: Can I apply to the IMBA program if I don’t have a business background?

A: The NCCU IMBA Program values diversity. We welcome applications from people with a variety of professional and academic backgrounds, including the arts, engineering, law, medicine, education, non-profit, etc.

Q: How will my application be evaluated?

A: The Admissions Office will extensively evaluate all applications. Admissions will be based on the candidates’ professional experience, academic ability, and personal qualities.

Q: Can I still apply late if I missed the deadline?

A: Late applications will not be accepted under any circumstances. Please apply by the next application deadline. Please ensure that all required documents should be submitted on time.

Q: How much is the registration fee? How do I pay for it?

A: For local applicants, the application fee is NT$1,300 and the oral examination fee is NT$1,000.
    For international applicants, the non-refundable application fee is NT$1,600 / US$60. Please remit the application fee to our bank by bank wire transfer and upload the receipt to the online application system. TaiwanICDF Scholarship applicants do not have to pay the application fee.


About the application (Requirements and documentations)

Q: What is the minimum required TOEFL, IELTS and TOEIC score?

A: According to the requirements set by the Graduate Institute, Applicants are required to pass the English proficiency test at CEFR B2 (or above) or provide other proof of English Proficiency test at the equivalent level.

Q: Can I apply before taking the TOEFL/IELTS/TOEIC test?

A: No. We will review your application only when all elements of the application package have been received, including your TOEFL/IELTS/TOEIC score. You can take the TOEFL/IELTS/TOEIC up until the day of the Admissions deadline but you would need to provide us with a copy of your 'Unofficial Score Report' (to be uploaded as part of the supporting documents).

Q: To what address do I send my English test score?

A: Kindly upload the official score report to our online application system.

Q: English is not my native language, but I have lived and worked in an English speaking country for many years. Do I still need to provide additional proof of fluency in English?

A: Living and working in an English-speaking environment is not accepted as proof of fluency in English. If you earned your Bachelor’s degree where English is the medium of instruction, you will need to present a certificate from your university indicating so.

Q: What is the minimum accepted GMAT/GRE score?

A: There is no minimum accepted score since the GMAT/GRE is not required for admissions. However, a GMAT/GRE score can help better your chances for admission.

Q: What are NCCU’s school codes to submit the GMAT/GRE?

A: Kindly upload the official score report to our online application system.

Q: What’s the minimum qualifying GPA?

A: While GPA is an indicator of academic performance, the program does not have a minimum GPA requirement. We primarily look at the courses taken and the grades received in each course, in addition to the overall academic performance.

Q: How many years of work experience do I need to be admitted?

A: We require candidates to have at least two years of full-time, post-undergraduate work experience. On average, our IMBA students have five years of full-time experience.

Q: Where should recommendations come from?

A: Two recommendations are required and should be completed by individuals who are well acquainted with the candidate and his/her managerial capabilities. Preferably, they should be completed by employers or supervisors.


About Tuition and Fees

Q: How much will it cost me to finish the program?

A: For more information about the cost to finish the program, please visit our Tuition and other fees section.

Q: What can I expect to pay for living expenses in Taipei?

A: Compared to studying in the US or Europe, the cost of studying in Taipei is relatively cheaper. Your expenses may vary depending on your living arrangement (student dormitory vs. rented apartment). For an estimated cost of living expenses, please visit our Tuition and other fees section.

Q: Are any scholarships available for the program?

A: Several scholarship programs are available for the students. Some scholarship programs vary depending on the nationality of the candidate. For more information about available scholarship programs, please visit our Scholarships page.

Student Life

Q: What are the extracurricular activities available?

AThe program is home to various student organizations such as the NCCU-IMBA Student Council, Oath Club, and the NCCU-IMBA Dragon Boat Team. These organizations organize regular extra-curricular activities that will help students network with other MBA students in Taiwan, offer opportunities for volunteer and socio-civic engagements.
For more information about the clubs, please visit our Student Clubs page.

Q: What are the available accommodation options?

A: University dormitories are available for students. The student can choose between a Single Room or Double occupancy room. Students can also opt to live outside the campus. Please visit our Accommodations page for more information.

About Career Services

Q: I'm an international student coming to Taiwan on a student visa. Am I permitted to work part-time alongside the Master's program?

A: Students are required to obtain a Work Permit prior to taking on employment. Students are allowed to work 20 hours per week while the semester is on-going, and 40 hours per week during Winter/Summer breaks.

Q: What are my chances to find an internship or job in Taiwan as an international student?

A: There are lots of companies offering internships for international students. However, some of these companies would require certain Mandarin skills. While studying in the program, students can grab the opportunity to learn and sharpen their Mandarin skills for their future careers.