IMBA students learned the first lesson from leadership and team building camp in Yilan

  • 2017-09-13
  • Admin Admin
International Master of Business Administration (IMBA) program held a leadership and team building camp in Yilan from 1st to 3rd of September. IMBA invited professor Swee-Huat Lee (李瑞華) to lead the whole teaching program. In total, there were 58 freshmen from 18 countries attended the camp.
Professor Shari Shang (尚孝純), the director of IMBA program said that it’s the 16th year of this program. The combination of half international and half local students is the most important feature. Besides from the nationality, most of the students are come from different industries. IMBA dedicated to create a diversified environment to enhance interactions between students, to promote the cultural exchange and to inspire creative ideas. For the sake of breaking international barrier, leadership and team building camp became an important part of the study.
Two people were in a team, leant on the back of each other and tried to stand up with their arms crossed in front of their chests. People are getting more and more in a team, some of the students thought that it was getting more difficult because of more opinions; but others though that it was getting easier because of the diversity of team members. Different from the traditional teaching method, the camp began with experimental games, simulated the situations that would have to face during real life team work. The brilliant opening led to heated discussions and debates.
Andrea Gonzalez, a student from El Salvador, said that it was not only teaching knowledge in the class, the professor also added many interactive designs like games, videos and pictures in an interesting but professional way. This made her hundred percent sure that she wanted to be a leader. And she hopes that she can learn step by step, keep changing and exceed herself in the following two years.
Local Taiwanese student Ren-ren Jiang(蔣仁人) thought that to learn with people from different cultural backgrounds can definitely stimulate more creative.
Quentin Montazel, the dual degree student from France said that he really liked the way that professor taught them. It could inspire the thinking of students under the continuous questions and answers. The courses also became interesting under two-way communication. “It’s really an awesome experience to start my two years IMBA study.”
Professor Lee said that because of the power and money that people can get form being a leader, almost all students wanted to be one. But they ignored the original intention of themselves. Therefore he used one year to design the course. Besides from teaching the necessary knowledge needed to be a leader, familiar with team work skills, he hopes that he can challenge the thoughts that is stuck in students’ minds and made them rethink about why they wanted to study in IMBA. He also recommended students to attend social activities and to build up their networks.