政大商院風華一甲子院慶晚宴 NCCU College of Commerce 60th Birthday Dinner Banquet

  • 2018-10-16
  • Admin Admin
時光荏苒,商學院將邁入第60個年頭,期盼藉由院慶晚宴再次聚,宴會將邀請歷任院長、院行政主管、產學合作夥伴、國內頂尖商管學院院長與各系所校友共襄盛舉,一同慶賀商學院60歲生日。席次有限,請儘速報名。報名請洽 Jasmin Lu jasminlu@nccu.edu.tw

NCCU College of Commence is celebrating its 60th birthday. A networking dinner banquet is set on October 27th. Plan you trips, come and network with outstanding alumni across industries. Only 15 seats left now.

Please contact Jasmin Lu jasminlu@nccu.edu.tw to secure yourseat.

See you there!

 NCCU College of Commerce 60th Birthday Dinner Banquet