[For Local Applicants] IMBA Oral Exam on March 8th, 2025

  • 2025-02-27
  • Admin Admin
Dear IMBA Applicants,
Congratulations! You are one step closer to being admitted to the IMBA Program!
Oral Exam Schedule
Date: Saturday, March 8th, 2025
Venue: 4th Floor, Yi-Xian Building, 64, Chih-Nan Rd, Sec 2, Wenshan, Taipei, Taiwan (政治大學校本部:台北市指南路二段64號逸仙樓4)
Important Notes:
A.        The university announcement and payment information for the oral exam fee are available on the university website: www.nccu.edu.tw →招生專區→研究所(碩士)招生→碩士班、台聯大碩士班→政大114學年度碩士班招生考試第二梯次系所組之「參加面試(資料審查)名單」、「參加面試注意事項」: https://www.nccu.edu.tw/p/406-1000-18973,r122.php?Lang=zh-tw
B.        Payment account information: https://examoral.nccu.edu.tw/index.jsp
C.        Please follow the assigned schedule to check in on the 4th floor of the Yi-Xian Building. The detailed oral exam schedule and campus map are attached.
D.        Please bring your photo ID (e.g. National ID, health card, passport, or driver’s license) for registration.
E.        If you fail to meet with above requirement or delay your exam schedule, the test result will be 0, it is non-negotiable.
F.        If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact William Liu at: 886-2-29393091 ext. 65480 or via email: imba.alu@nccu.edu.tw
We wish you the best luck on your oral exam.
Oral Exam Schedule
No Check-in First Session Second Session Admission No Name
1 08:45 09:00~09:20 09:20~09:40 42210001 張O真
2 08:45 09:00~09:20 09:20~09:40 42210002 丁O芸
3 08:45 09:00~09:20 09:20~09:40 42210003 張O芝
4 09:05 09:20~09:40 09:40~10:00 42210004 許O茵
5 09:05 09:20~09:40 09:40~10:00 42210005 林O芝
6 09:05 09:20~09:40 09:40~10:00 42210006 林O達
7 09:25 09:40~10:00 10:00~10:20 42210008 馬O尚
8 09:25 09:40~10:00 10:00~10:20 42210009 顏O庭
9 09:25 09:40~10:00 10:00~10:20 42210010 林O羽
10 09:45 10:00~10:20 10:20~10:40 42210011 郭O楠
11 09:45 10:00~10:20 10:20~10:40 42210012 洪O婷
12 09:45 10:00~10:20 10:20~10:40 42210013 王O尹
13 10:15 10:30~10:50 10:50~11:10 42210014 袁O治
14 10:15 10:30~10:50 10:50~11:10 42210015 賴O瑄
15 10:15 10:30~10:50 10:50~11:10 42210016 蔡O達
16 10:35 10:50~11:10 11:10~11:30 42210017 劉O晨
17 10:35 10:50~11:10 11:10~11:30 42210018 謝O緯
18 10:35 10:50~11:10 11:10~11:30 42210020 林O謙
19 10:55 11:10~11:30 11:30~11:50 42210022 姜O言
20 10:55 11:10~11:30 11:30~11:50 42210023 沈O君
21 10:55 11:10~11:30 11:30~11:50 42210024 張O心
22 11:15 11:30~11:50 11:50~12:10 42210025 賴O瑜
23 11:15 11:30~11:50 11:50~12:10 42210026 黃O蓉
24 11:15 11:30~11:50 11:50~12:10 42210027 黃O鈞
Lunch break
25 12:45 13:00~13:20 13:20~13:40 42210028 游O緯
26 12:45 13:00~13:20 13:20~13:40 42210029 余O蓁
27 12:45 13:00~13:20 13:20~13:40 42210030 吳O筠
28 13:05 13:20~13:40 13:40~14:00 42210033 梁O宇
29 13:05 13:20~13:40 13:40~14:00 42210034 王O勛
30 13:05 13:20~13:40 13:40~14:00 42210035 楊O勳
31 13:25 13:40~14:00 14:00~14:20 42210036 于O瑩
32 13:25 13:40~14:00 14:00~14:20 42210037 林O樺
33 13:25 13:40~14:00 14:00~14:20 42210039 蔡O妘
34 13:45 14:00~14:20 14:20~14:40 42210042 林O萱
35 13:45 14:00~14:20 14:20~14:40 42210043 王O萱
36 13:45 14:00~14:20 14:20~14:40 42210045 邱O雰
37 14:15 14:30~14:50 14:50~15:10 42210046 黃O維
38 14:15 14:30~14:50 14:50~15:10 42210047 葉O峰
39 14:15 14:30~14:50 14:50~15:10 42210048 林O葦
40 14:35 14:50~15:10 15:10~15:30 42210050 張O涵
41 14:35 14:50~15:10 15:10~15:30 42210053 陳O蒨
42 14:35 14:50~15:10 15:10~15:30 42210054 陳O玉
43 14:55 15:10~15:30 15:30~15:50 42210056 林O漣
44 14:55 15:10~15:30 15:30~15:50 42210057 王O苓
45 14:55 15:10~15:30 15:30~15:50 42210058 邱O芬
46 15:15 15:30~15:50 15:50~16:10 42210059 游O恆
47 15:15 15:30~15:50 15:50~16:10 42210060 吳O睿
48 15:15 15:30~15:50 15:50~16:10 42210061 王O
49 15:35 15:50~16:05 16:10~16:25 42210062 湯O瑄
50 15:35 15:50~16:05 16:10~16:25 42210064 黄O音

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