<Internship opportunity> partnerships at Intake education & PM at Gosky AI Inc.

  • 2022-05-03
  • Admin Admin
Intake Education
This Internship is provided by Erick Moran, who is IMBA 2019 alumni and working in Intake education currently.
Internship position:             Partnerships Internship
Location:                               Taipei
Background:                         Business / Operations related 
Position tasks:                  Market research, survey analysis, PowerPoint creation, social media content creation (LinkedIn, etc.), and related activities.
Payment:                              200 NTD per hour
Working hours:                    16 – 20 hours per week    
Duration:                               6 months
Language:                             English (*Mandarin language is not required)
Company website:              https://intake.education/
Application deadline:          Friday, April 29, 2022
Please send the CV to Erick Moran, Contracts and Partnerships Manager (erick.moran@intake.education)
Gosky AI Inc.
產品管理實習生 Product Management Intern
1. 協助蒐集、分析市場趨勢,找到產品的洞察
2. 探索用戶心聲與彙整客戶需求,將需求與痛點轉化成更實際可執行的功能
3. 優化產品的用戶體驗,提出好的設計建議
4. 產品發版前的測試與驗收,了解使用者的操作體驗與開發流
5. 產品文件的撰寫與報告產出
1.  0-1 參與產品規劃、設計到測試等落地的產品開發經驗
2. 探索市場與用戶需求,建構一具備商業價值的產品服務
3. 跨職能溝通經驗的累積,強化協作能力
歡迎同學直接寄履歷給我: fridachen@goskyai.com