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Glen H. Brodowsky

                 Brodowsky Glen H.
Professor of Marketing, California State University, San Marcos, USA
Ph.D., Marketing, School of Management, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
This is an image Curriculum Vitae
Glen H. Brodowsky has been a professor of marketing at California State University San Marcos since 1996.  He teaches courses in Marketing, Marketing Research, Global Marketing, and Consumer Behavior at the graduate and undergraduate levels. He is chair of the Management Department. Dr. Brodowsky earned a Ph.D. in Marketing from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1997 where he also earned his MBA.  He holds a BA in Far Eastern Languages and Civilizations from the University of Chicago and speaks Mandarin Chinese. 
In 2007 Dr. Brodowsky was a Fulbright Scholar teaching at National Cheng-chi University in Taiwan.  Since that time, he has returned to Taiwan every year to teach in the International MBA Program.  He regularly teaches courses and lectures at the Copenhagen Business School, the Universidad Internacional del Ecuador. He has also lectured at The China European International Business School.
His research interests focus on cross cultural marketing, in particular, he is interested in how cross-cultural differences in notions of and attitudes toward time affect consumer behavior. He has published articles in The Journal of International Consumer Marketing, The Journal of Global Marketing, The Journal of Applied Social Psychology, International Business Review, The Journal of East West Marketing, The International Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Education Review, The Journal of Marketing Education, The Journal of Teaching in International Business, The Journal of the Academy of Business Education, and Time and Society.  He is Past- President of the Marketing Educators’ Association.  He is co-editor of The Handbook of Cross Cultural Marketing Research, which will be published by Edgar Elgar in 2020.


Research Interests

  • Global Marketing
  • Cross Cultural Marketing
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Marketing Education
  • Marketing and Time
  • Marketing Research



Teaching Interests

  • Marketing Foundations
  • Marketing Management
  • Global Business Strategies
  • Business Research Methods
  • Consumer Behavior
  • International Market Research